Looking back at my very first memories, around the age of four, I was always drawing. I can vividly recall receiving that first watercolor set and sketchbook. I spent hours at the dining room table in our small apartment in Queens, NY, creating a cat, dog, and owl. I can also fondly remember opening (and smelling) my first box of Crayola crayons! Thanks, Mom and Dad. I haven't stopped drawing since!
After attending a special Visual Arts School for several of my high school years, I went on to study graphic design and painting at Maryland Institute College of Art and Design. I happily painted for years until I happened upon a printmaking class at Abington Art Center, taught by Patricia Shaw Lima in 2000 (please spend some time on Pat's beautiful website and enjoy her gorgeous and intriguing work!). I was immediately drawn to collagraphs and although I have experimented with other techniques, I still find this form of printmaking extremely versatile and compelling. This community of talented and active printmakers has taught me so very much about the press, inks, techniques and art but most importantly, life. I am so grateful for their years of tutoring and their indelible friendships. Most of us now print in the beautiful new Printmaking Workshop Studio and Gallery in Jenkintown, PA owned and directed by Patricia Shaw Lima.
Of course, the most significant influence on my work is my extraordinary family. My favorite activities always include my incredibly supportive and loving husband and my two beautiful and talented daughters. They are my heart and soul and, by far, my deepest inspiration and most valuable education. Of course, Rocco, our dog, would be hurt if I excluded him. He does seem to have a gift for insinuating himself into most situations!